Monday, April 12, 2010



Now a days so many people suffering due to sickness , they can’t afford to buy medicine due to high prize. I try to read some alternative medicine,knowing that there are a lot of plants,fruits and trees in our backyard that serve as a natural medicine,I think this the right time for us to know about all herbal plants, even though  you’re not suffering diseases. you may help your neighbor by giving them knowledge about it.knowing in a reliable site,Herbal medicine is defined as the use of natural herbs and plants for the treatment or prevention of diseases, disorders and for the promotion of good health.

Bayabas or guava 

=Is a tropical plants,witch is locally known for its edible fruits.this plants is commonly seen, and grown because of its many uses as fruits and as traditional remedy to treat various ailments.As shown by many research studies, almost all of the parts of this plants have medical value.

The bayabas fruit and leaves are used as herbal medicine. Its leaves decoction is recognized for its effectiveness to cure several ailments,including the treatment of uterine hemorrhage, swollenness of the legs and other parts of the body,of chronic diarrhea, and gastroenteritis, among others.The most common use of the leaves is for cleaning and disinfecting wounds by rinsing the affected area.with a decoction of the leaves.In the same way,such leaves are being use to aid in the treatment of dysentery and the inflammation of the kidneys. The bark and leaves can be used as astringent. it can be used as a wash for uterine and vaginal problems.and is good for ulcer. The medical uses of Bayabas appear infinite, as it is also a suggested natural cure of fevers, diabetes, epilepsy, worms, and spasms. The fruit, aside from being delicious , contains nutritional values with a very high concentration of vitamin A and vitamin C.


Uses of Bayabas ( Guava)imgres

  • Antiseptic, astringent & Anthelminthic
  • Kills bacteria, fungi and ameba
  • Used to treat diarrhea, nosebleeding
  • For hypertension, diabetes,and ashma
  • Promotes menstruation

The fresh leaves are used to facilitate the healing of wounds and cuts.A decoction (boiling in water) or infusion of fresh leaves can be used for wound cleaning to prevent infection.Bayabas is also effective for toothaches . Note: Bayabas can cause constipation if excess.


  • Boil one cup of Bayabas leaves in three cups of water for 8 to 10 minutes. let cool
  • Use decoction as mouthwash, gargle.
  • Use as wound disinfectant – wash affected areas with decoction of leaves 2 to 3 times a day. fresh leaves may be applied to the wound directly  for faster healing.
  • For toothaches , chew the leaves in your mouth.
  • For diarrhea , boil the chopped leaves for 15 minutes in water and strain. let cool, and drink a cup every three to four hours.
  • To stop nosebleed , densely roll Bayabas leaves, then place in the nosetril cavities.

For more info

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