Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tips under the sun

How to start your DAY

Many times waking up seems to be the hardest part of the day.especially when you have a job to go to that annoying alarm clock keeps sounding every morning. Tomake your morning start off right and to get your day off on the right foot.Try some of these tips to waking up:

1) Switch alarm to something soothingto wake up to that horrid alarm sound,will even give you chills when you hear it on tv.Switch to something soothing like soft music or a morning talk show to spark you interest and get you to wake up.

2) Coffee - just the smell of coffee can be enough to wake you up in the morning. Get a coffee maker and have it set to start making coffee 15 minute before timefor you to wake up. The aroma will seems to draw you to it.

3) Shower - Wke up with a shower every morning. A nice refreshing is sometimes all it takes to shake off slummer and feel energized. A quick foot massage - a quick massage of the feet can get you r juices flowing and help you feel revitalized. When i am really tired in the morning, i give my feet to massage while showering, this helps me to get moving.

4) Stretch - stretching is an ideal way of waking fully up. A great morning stretch is to stand up and raise both arms above your head. Then stretch all the way down to try and touch your toe, stay here and continue to stretch your hands down to the floor. then rise slowly and sheke is all off. Work out - early morning work outs are great for getting you body moving and ready for the day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Do you wish you were a better photographer? All it takes is a nkow how,keep on reading for some important picture taking tips. then grab your camera and start shooting your way to great pictures.

1-look your subject in the eye:
When taking a picture of some one, hold the camera at the person's eye level to unleash the power of those magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles.

2-Use a plain background:
A plain background shows off the subject you are photographing.

3- Use flash outdoors:
Brigth sun can create unattractive deep facial shodow. Eliminate the shadows by using your flash to lighten the face.When taking people pictures on a sunny days,
turn you flash may have a choice of fill flash mode or full flash mode. if the person is within five feet, use the fill flash mode; beyond five feet, the full power mode may be required.

4- Move in close:
If your is smaller than a car, take a step or two closer before taking the picture
and zoom in your subject. Your goal is to fill the picture area with the subjectyou are photographing.

5-move it from the middle:
Bring your picture to life by simply moving your subject away from the middle of your

6-Lock the focus:
If your subject is not in the centre of the picture, you need to lock the focus to create a sharp picture. most auto focus cameras focus on whatever is in the center of the picture. But to improve pictures, you will often want to move the subject away from the center of the picture.

7-The number one flash mistake is taking pictures beyond the flash's range. Why is this mistake? because picture taken beyond the maximum flash range will be too dark.

8-Watch the light:
The most important of every picture is the light. It affects the appearance of everything you photograph.

9-Is your camera vertically chalenged? it is if you never turn it sideways to take a vertical picture.all sorts of things look better in the vertical picture.

10-Be a picture director:
Take control of your picture taking and watch your picture dramatically improve. become a picture director, not just a possive picture taker. a picture director take charge. a picture director picks the location."Everybody go outside to the backyard. a picture director adds props: girls put on you pink sunglasses. a picture director arrange people. now move in close, and lean toward the camera.

for more information visit this website:

Monday, March 29, 2010

according to bbc news/group of militant preparing the way of antichrist



Strong emotions, especially negotive ones, must be dealt with constructively or they will have distructive effects.When inner tension builds up from anger, this tension needs release. if your co worker makes you angry, you cannot throw anything to him or attact him phisically. It is not desirable to "blow off" at your sopervisor; not is it fair for you to battle up your anger until you get home, and then let it loose on your family, perhaps the tension built up from your anger can help you mow the grass,repair that broken gate, or whip up a cake. in other words, use energy generated by anger in constructive physical activity. Do not "blow off" in a way that may harm your relations with other people. Do not hold it in and try to deny its existence.


Fear must be dealt with, by admitting the fear. In extremely threatening
situations ,action may needed immidiately. Such dengerous situation are not common,
however,We all encounter situations which arouse mild fear: a test, that oral report,returning job that you encounter and finish yesterday, facing your supervisor after you have destroy expensive spareparts,In some situations the fear is justified, and the only recourse is to deal with the situation as effectively as we can. Perhaps thingking it through carefully ahead of time will prepare you for more effective handling of the dreaded situation. As you thinking about the situation, you may fine that fear is not really justified. may be magnified the problem in you own mind; may be you made faulty assumption; may be you allowed emotion to replace realistic thinking about the problem.


Grief is an emotion which requires time. if it is due to severe loss, it may take weeks or a month to work through this griefand readjust one's life pattern. most people can begin this process with in reasonable period of time;others appear unable to handle theire grief,in which case profesional help is needed.whenever feeling of guilt are associated with grief, it is probably better to have professional counsel;
such a combinition is very difficult to handle alone.

Friday, March 26, 2010

auto mechanical and electrical trouble shooting

Some tips on how to mentained automobiles.

Now a days too many auto owner unaware or no idea on how to check their car before driving on, specially on long driving. so let me give you some basic idea for you to know how is it.

step 1: check battery
A: diagnostic trouble:
1. Engine hard starting
2. Engine not crancking
3. Engine stalling

trouble cause:
1. battery cable loosed from battery post.
remedy; retightening battery cable nut.

2. cooroded battery post.
remedy;clean battery post with water.

3.week battery.
remedy; check the battery indicator
=white color. it means recharge battery.
=black color, it means replace w/ new bat.
=green color, good battery.

step 2: oil = check engine oil,brake oil, automatic transmission oil, power steering oil.
remedy; add oil

step 3: water =check radiator water, wiper reservoir,
remedy; add water

step 4: start engine.

step 5: check all ligths and indicator ,like head ligth, park ligth, signal ligth,stop ligth.

step 6: check tire presure.

step 7: check brake and clutch pedal to notify if it is good.

note:try to get some tools on your autmobile like,flier,vise grip,philip screw,flat screw, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19mm for japanise and korean car.for american car 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18.

auto mechanical and electrical trouble shooting

Some tips on how to mentained automobiles.

Now a days too many auto owner unaware or no idea on how to check their car before driving on specially on long driving. so let me give you some basic idea for you to know how is it.

step 1: check battery
A: diagnostic trouble:
1. Engine hard starting
2. Engine not crancking
3. Engine stalling

trouble cause:
1. battery cable loosed from battery post.
remedy; retightening battery cable nut.

2. cooroded battery post.
remedy;clean battery post with water.

3.week battery.
remedy; check the battery indicator
=white color. it means recharge battery.
=black color, it means replace w/ new bat.
=green color, good battery.

step 2: oil = check engine oil,brake oil, automatic transmission oil, power steering oil.
remedy; add oil

step 3: water =check radiator water, wiper reservoir,
remedy; add water

step 4: start engine.

step 5: check all ligths and indicator ,like head ligth, park ligth, signal ligth,stop ligth.

step 6: check tire presure.

step 7: check brake and clutch pedal to notify if it is good.

note:try to get some tools on your autmobile like,flier,vise grip,philip screw,flat screw, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19mm for japanise and korean car.for 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Accenting the Positve

Many people who appear happy much of the time actually have had more than their share of unhappy experiences.Happiness, or a positive outlook, is determined by
how we react to both happy and unhappy experieces in life.some people seem to glory in their unhappy experiencs,Using them for conversational material endlessly. Others give short notice to unhappy experience, rapidly turning their attention to activities, which give them satisfaction. Which type of person are you? Which type do you believe a health worker should be?
Each of us is free to choose between a negotive and positve outlook.We cannot eliminate all of life's disappoinments. We can,however,refuse to let negotive emotions dominate outlives. We can give greater attention to pleasant experiences.
We can cut short the time and attentio we give to negotive feelings aroused by unpleasant experiences.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A risk assessment is an important step in protecting workers and business,as well as complying with the law. It help to focus on the risk that really matter in the workplace - the ones with the potential to cause real harm.
In many instances,straigthforward measures can readily control risk,

=for example insuring spillages are cleaned up promptly so people do not slip,
or cupboard drawers are kept closed to ensure people do not trip. for most, that means simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure that the most valluable asset-
is protected

What is risk assessment?

A risk assessment is simply careful examination of what, in the work,could
couse harm to the people, so that we can weight up whether we havevtaken enoug precautions or should do more to prevent harm. W0rkers and others have a right to be protected from harm coused by a failure to take reasonable control measures
accident and ill health can ruin lives and affects business too if output is lost,machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go court.
You are legally required to asses the risk in the workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risk.

How to assess the risk in your work place
follow these five step;

step 1
Identify the hazards

step 2
Decide who might be harmed and how

step 3
Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions

step 4
Records your findings and implement them

step 5
Revew you assessment and update if necessary

Dont over complicate the process. in many s , the risks are well known and the necessary controls measures are easily to stop apply. You probably already know whether, for example, you have employees who have heavy loads and so could harm their backs, or where people are most likely to strip or trip. If so, check that you taken reasonable precaution to avoid injury.
If you run a small organization and you are confident you understand what's involved,you can do the assessment your self. you don't have to be a health and
safety expert.

When thinking about your risk assessment,remember:
A hazard is anything that may couse harm, such as chemicals,electricity,working from ladders, an open drawer etc:
the risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody cthat could harmed by these and other hazards, togethere with an indication of how serious the harm could be.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


*CANADA is an Indian word meaning "big village"

*Armored knigths raised thier visor to identify themselves when they rode past thier kings. This custom has become the modern military salute.

*The first Tennis balls with stuffed with human hair.

*Tomato Ketchup was once sold in the US as a medicine.

*Mosquito repellantdo not repel.They hide you. The spray blocks the Mosquito sensors so they do not know you are there.

*The Atlantic ocean is saltier than the Pacific ocean.

*There are 31,557,600 seconds in a year.
*La Paz. Bolivia, which is about 12,000 feet above sea level is nearly a fire proof city, and the fire engine ordered out of civic pride gather dust in thier fire houses. At that altitude, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere barely supports fire.

Effective Against Dengue | Herbal Remedies and Medical Tips

Effective Against Dengue | Herbal Remedies and Medical Tips

YouTube - 에쿠스 인터뷰 VI equus centenial power comport style safe car motors

YouTube - 에쿠스 인터뷰 VI equus centenial power comport style safe car motors

Monday, March 22, 2010

Google Reader (96)

Google Reader (96)



The name of Peter Carter is probably unknown to most people today. He was a 19th-century american Presbyterian Pastor. He wasn't as famous a pulpiteer as Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He didn't write great works of theology like his contemporary Charles Hodge. He never achieved the international recognition of Henry Ward Beecher of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. But he lived his faith in such a way that he encouraged hundreds of people to trust and serve Jesus Christ. Carter radiated the Savior's love to children as well as to adults. For example,a visitor asked some of the children in Carter's sunday school if they knew the good Shepherd. "Oh, Yes," they answered. "he's Pastor Peter Carter." Missionary-statesman Robert E. Speer said, "If all the reasoned arguments in support of christianity were destroyed, Peter Carter and the two or three men like him I have known would remain for me as its impregnablebais and defense."
Even if we think of our selves as rather ordinary believers, all of us can by God's grace be shinning linghts that "Glorify our Father in heaven" and point people to the savior (matthew5:16, Phillipians 2:14-16). We too can be flesh and blood evidence that Gospel is true.
I want my life to SHINE for JESuS
So that everywhere I go
The watching world will see He loves them
And his saving grace will know.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Volcano erupts in Iceland -

Volcano erupts in Iceland -

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage: "Browse these related categories:

Google Reader (78)

Google Reader (78)

The sign alongside the road:

When I asked the taxi driver what it meant, he said," It has to do with how you give way to the traffic in the round about just ahead. You yield to a different driver than usual."
Long after we negotiated the traffic ccircle, i continued to ponder the sing.
I saw it as a vivid three-word summary of what it meant to follow CHRST.
When Jesuss clled Peter and Andrew to be His deciples, " they immidiately leave their nets and followed Him"( mt. 4:20 ). At that moment, it was as if God placed His sing on the road of thier lives: CHANGED PRIORITIES AHEAD. He does desame in our lives as we hear Christ calling us to follow Him.

Jesus tought that our natural concern for material needs must be replaced by seeking God's kingdom first and trusting Him to provide (6:33). when He associated with " sinners" and invited a despised tax collector to become one of His deciples, He challenged our projudises
(9:9-13). Jesus also rebuked our jockeying for position when He said," If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all the servant of all" (mk. 9:35).
When we follow Jesus Christ, we discover that changed priorities are necessary to negotiate the road ahead.

today Christ calls." COME FOLLOW ME!
Do not look back to yesterday;
Fresh grace I' ll give to my Will,
my joy you'll find as you obey."

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