Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tips under the sun

How to start your DAY

Many times waking up seems to be the hardest part of the day.especially when you have a job to go to that annoying alarm clock keeps sounding every morning. Tomake your morning start off right and to get your day off on the right foot.Try some of these tips to waking up:

1) Switch alarm to something soothingto wake up to that horrid alarm sound,will even give you chills when you hear it on tv.Switch to something soothing like soft music or a morning talk show to spark you interest and get you to wake up.

2) Coffee - just the smell of coffee can be enough to wake you up in the morning. Get a coffee maker and have it set to start making coffee 15 minute before timefor you to wake up. The aroma will seems to draw you to it.

3) Shower - Wke up with a shower every morning. A nice refreshing is sometimes all it takes to shake off slummer and feel energized. A quick foot massage - a quick massage of the feet can get you r juices flowing and help you feel revitalized. When i am really tired in the morning, i give my feet to massage while showering, this helps me to get moving.

4) Stretch - stretching is an ideal way of waking fully up. A great morning stretch is to stand up and raise both arms above your head. Then stretch all the way down to try and touch your toe, stay here and continue to stretch your hands down to the floor. then rise slowly and sheke is all off. Work out - early morning work outs are great for getting you body moving and ready for the day.

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