Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This paragraph is based on true story from the Our Daily bread. that even who you are,how big sin that we keep inside our heart that makes our life not normal, the hands of God is widely open for us,ready to embrace us.If we seek Him and asking Him His forgiveness. mathew 6:33, 5:8

When the first acquired an adorable puppy name dolly,she filled my days with frequent to my backyard.Then she began using these occasions to explore places I didn’t want her to go.By offering her a reward, I was able to teach her to respond to my command, “come!” , but eventually, the rewards weren’t enough to get  her to come back to me. So I bought a leash on a reel thats gives dolly a safe amount of freedom, but gives me the option of '”reeling her in” when she ventures to far. This reminds me of  God’s dealings with drug-addicted man named derek. Longing to break his addiction, he stayed in our home, where he become Gd’s child.He overcome his habit but he still battled with temptation. One day he gave in, run away, and used some drugs. Then guilt overwhelmed him as he sat despondently on a park bench.He felt like psalmist David (Psalm 31:22) and said to himself, “I’m cut off from the Lord.I"’m finished.”But the long leash of God’s love tugged on his heart. Immediately, Derek asked for the Lord’s forgiveness and made his way back to us (32:3-5).If you’re going the wrong way and feel cut off from God, remember, you can return. Respond to the tug of His forgiving love on your heart and come back to Him today.

O Lord, return to me YOUR POWER that once grace I knew:

Forgive the sin that grieved your heart, And help me to be true.

may GOD always bless us.

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